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    HELD Technologie GmbH

    Weigheimer Str. 11


    +49 7425 3357-0

    Turning ideas into solutions A family-owned company from Schwarzwald-Baar, a district in the south of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is conquering the world In 1949, Adolf Held established a polishing workshop for clock cases in Trossingen-Schura (about one hour's drive south of Stuttgart). In the decades that followed the business became one of the world's leading engineering manufacturers. HELD Technologie GmbH is now managed by the third generation of the Family. Mr. Held and Mr. Fisel, the two Managing Directors continue to focus on thinking further ahead than others – a philosophy that finds its expression in the claim Turning ideas into solutions. Turning innovative ideas into new, optimised and practical solutions gives our customers a decisive competitive edge. The specialists at HELD continually strive to live up to this claim, as evidenced by new developments which have enabled the company to make history in its sector. Global market leader as a result of pioneering achievements Motivated by a strong pioneering spirit, HELD has been demonstrating its outstanding innovative strength in the field of isobaric double belt presses since 1975. As a family-owned company HELD designed and manufactured the world's first double belt presses with continuous throughput, including the following: · Isobaric double belt press · High-pressure double belt press with a surface pressure of 100 bar · High-temperature double belt press with a heating temperature of 410 °C · High-capacity double belt press providing a production speed of up to 48 m per minute

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